说到Chris Brown大家可能还要想上10秒以上,但一提到那首《With you》是不是马上就尖叫起来了:原来是他啊。没错了,就是《With you》的那个Chris Brown哦。这个年方20岁的年轻人可是红得不得了。人红了,当然麻烦也来了,自从爆出与美国格莱美小天后Rihanna大玩姐弟恋后,Chris Brown似乎再也没有清静过。唉,这就是当名人不得不付出的代价吧。不过,日前,Chris Brown在接受采访时明确地说,那些负面新闻都是别有用心、对他充满嫉妒、怀恨在心的人编造出来的啦!到底谁是谁非自然得等时间来检验了。But, I feel that the public should stay out of singers’ private lives. 特别是在一代天王MJ离我们远去之后,小编越来越认为,我们应该给予明星更多的私人空间,让他们拥有自己的生活,不要等他们离开了我们,才聚在一起空缅怀,我们要做的就是—静静地欣赏他们的音乐才华。
Hater 居心叵测的人、怀恨在心的人、别有用心者
“Everybody that’s haters, they just been haters. All my real fans, I love you all. I ain’t a monster.”
-Singer Chris Brown, responding to criticism. (BET)
Negative or jealous person
Brown is responding to all the negative attention he’s gotten from the public and the press. He says that anyone who has been saying bad things about him is just a hater. Haters are people who are negative toward someone else for no reason, or because they’re jealous of that person’s success.
Chris Brown says he isn’t a monster and that people who criticize him are doing it for no reason or because they envy him. Meanwhile, his assault trial will start soon. Chris better hope the judge and jury aren’t a bunch of haters!
1) I know you don’t think Tristan deserves Shawn, but don’t be a hater. I think they make a cute couple.
2) John is such a hater. He’s always trying to ruin my good mood.
3) I don’t mean to be a hater, but I do think that dress looks terrible on you.
Hater 居心叵测的人、怀恨在心的人、别有用心者
“Everybody that’s haters, they just been haters. All my real fans, I love you all. I ain’t a monster.”
-Singer Chris Brown, responding to criticism. (BET)
Negative or jealous person
Brown is responding to all the negative attention he’s gotten from the public and the press. He says that anyone who has been saying bad things about him is just a hater. Haters are people who are negative toward someone else for no reason, or because they’re jealous of that person’s success.
Chris Brown says he isn’t a monster and that people who criticize him are doing it for no reason or because they envy him. Meanwhile, his assault trial will start soon. Chris better hope the judge and jury aren’t a bunch of haters!
1) I know you don’t think Tristan deserves Shawn, but don’t be a hater. I think they make a cute couple.
2) John is such a hater. He’s always trying to ruin my good mood.
3) I don’t mean to be a hater, but I do think that dress looks terrible on you.