训练和开发孩子的潜能 ,是培养孩子创造力最有效的途径。回答下列提问 ,看看你做到了哪些。A :完全或基本做到 ;B :没有做到。1 坚持与孩子每天欣赏20分钟古典音乐。2 每两周与孩子欣赏一次画展。3 每周让孩子做一次“左手写字”练习。4 强迫孩子改掉左撇子的习惯。5
Training and developing children’s potential is the most effective way to develop children’s creativity. Answer the following questions to see what you did. A: completely or basically done; B: did not do it. 1 Insist on 20 minutes of classical music daily with kids. 2 Enjoy the show with your child every two weeks. 3 Give your child a “Left-Handed” exercise weekly. 4 Forced children to get rid of left-handed habit. 5