Based on the traveltime data of 20301 Pn wave radiation from national and regional seismograph networks, the velocity structure of Pn wave at the top of upper mantle in North China was retrieved by seismic tomography. The results show that the average Pn wave velocity in North China is 7.92km / s, lateral velocity variation is from -0.21 ~ + 0.29km / s, Pn wave height and low-velocity anomalous zone are arranged along NNE direction from west to east, Low speed area of Shanxi Graben, High Speed Area of Jizhong Depression, Luxi Uplift, Bohaiwan Low Speed Area, East High Speed Area of Tanlu Fault Zone, and North China Block Commercial Area except for the high-speed anomalies in the Qinling Mountains. The Cenozoic volcanic area near Datong shows a large anisotropy of wave velocity, with a fast-wave direction of NNE-SSW; remarkable anisotropy also appears around the Bohai Bay and shows a rotation tendency reflecting the signs of the flow deformation in this area . There is a negative correlation between the Pn wave velocity and the geothermal flow in North China. The Pn low-velocity anomalous zone corresponds to the high heat flow values, such as Shanxi Rift and Bohai Bay. In the Pn anomalies, Such as: Jizhong depression. This shows that the Pn wave velocity in this area is mainly the result of the temperature difference at the top of the upper mantle. The strong earthquakes mainly occur in the crust above the boundary zone between the low-velocity anomalous zone and the high-low-velocity anomalous zone. The earthquakes that occur in the low-velocity anomalous zone have a shallow depth of source. The earthquakes that occur at the boundary zone between high and low-velocity anomalous zones, Deep source depth.