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  【Abstract】Freud’s theory is formed in the early twentieth century in which under the influence of fast-developing industry, more and more women come out of home to work in society . This change of women’s role and the appearance of feminism in society cause men’s anxiety towards their dominant position in patriarchy. The misogynist culture forms. Although Freud’s theory is a challenge to the traditional belief and value of classical society and tries to solve the belief crisis and identity crisis in mechanical society, he does not get rid of the limitation of his time--misogyny and the discrimination towards women can be seen in his theory about penis envy, sexuality, feminity and super ego.
  【Key Words】 Freud, misogynist culture, penis envy, super ego
  1、Social background of Freud’s theory
  Freud’s theory comes into being in the twentieth century when science and industry gain rapid development which brings huge change to society and the mechanical culture forms. In this culture, material enjoyment is highlighted to a so high level that people’s spiritual world is ignored; the criteria of people’s success in society is about money. Thus traditional values are challenged and the belief crisis appears. In this situation, different people try their own ways to explain this situation and to find out a situation. Freud is one of them who try to figure out a solution from the perspective of psychology.
  Under mechanical culture, more and more women begin to work in industries. In this situation, the traditional social division of labor is changed and the concept of two sexes’ role in society is challenged. Men become anxious about their identity and position in society.Thus they try to emphasize the male-centered consciousness in literature, art and philosophy so as to maintain their controlling position in society. Misogynist culture come into being. This misogynist culture affects the creation of many big thinkers at that time, including Freud. He believes that the equality between men and women is impossible and the real role of women should be a cute baby at young time and a charming lady when growing up. He supposes women to be weak and fragile. This idea will confine women to family and make them alienate from society.
  2、Discrimination towards women in Freud’s theory
  Freud defines women as castrated men and regards women to be inferior to men by born because of their lack of penis. He supposes women will be jealous of men as they grow to realize their lack of penis and tend to be vainglorious and narcissistic so as to conceal their physiological defect. Besides the super ego of women is not fully developed so that women are more emotional. All these Freud’s ideas are actually another way of expression to defend men’s authority of patriarchal society and to prevent women from melting into society. Freud, even as a great thinker, does not go beyond his time.   2.1 Discrimination towards women in Freud’s theory of penis envy
  Feud defines women as the second sex who are just castrated men and lack real sexual identity. He believes women’s psychology is formed under the great influence of their biological defect and their “penis envy”. When girls find their different body structure with boys, they will keep desiring to have penis for a long time.This penis envy will exit in girls’ subconsciousness as they grow up and may dive girls to do something desperately, such as engaging in brain work. Freud further explains in the book The Disappearance of Oedipus Complex that girls will feel inferior when they realize that they “develop too short ” compared with those boys they are playing with.
  But he does not explain why women have to be jealous when they realize their biological difference with men and why should not women feel proud of their special biological characteristic. In Freud’s daily life, he does not have an agreeable emotion to women which causes his lack of real understanding to women. Thus his definition towards women actually serves as a way to justify men’s discrimination towards women and to maintain men’s controlling of women in a new century when the patriarchal society is being shaken by feminism. Besides,Freud had once confess at one conversation that he have devoted himself to the study of women’s psychology for more than thirty years, but there still once question that he can not find a answer, that is ‘what are women after all?’ ”
  2.2 Discrimination towards women in Freud’s theory of sexuality
  In Freud’s opinion, that psychology-being desirous of penis and dissatisfaction with their own body will influence girl’s development of sexuality, for example, girls may give up to get joy through masturbation of clitoris and they will inhibit their desire of sex in most occasions. Thus women are described as frigidity. As a result, men always actively take control the initiative in sex activity while women can only receive passively and are not supposed to seek pleasure of sex. Otherwise they will be criticized to be frivolous.
  Actually this description reflects the idea of androcentrism. The frigidity of middle-class women is caused by the reality that they are possessions owned by men in marriage of patriarchal society. They are objects hunted, owned and controlled by men, so women are forced to be obedient and passive in sex. Only those first class women and prostitute are admired for their vitality in sex. If Freud can make more contact with female patients from noble family of France and England, his may change his rigid description of women’s frigidity.   2.3 Discrimination towards women in Freud’s theory of super ego
  Under the influence of “penis envy”, women’s super ego in Freud’s opinion is not completely developed so women can not form a comprehensive understanding of moral standard and are more likely to be driven by their own emotion. Freud says in the chapter of Feminine in New Introductory Lectures On Psychoanalysis that women maybe be regarded to be lack of fairness, which is caused by the psychology of envy because the condition to be fair is to get rid of envy. This deficiency of women’s super ego makes them less interested in society and less capable in the sublimation of libido than men.
  Freud subjectively predicts women’s super ego is weaker than men’s and thus women are easier to be controlled by instinct and desire. He just intends to reclaim those cliche of women’s inferiority in morality and tries to make that cliche justifiable. He analyzes women in biology aspect from men’s eye and ignores the impact of family and society oppression in the forming of women’s super ego.At the beginning of twenties century, women are confined to family before and after marriage. Their daily life in patriarchal society is boring and monotonous which causes their rigid and unchangeable psychology for they do not find any hope to be vigorous.
  In Freud’s theory, women are always dependent on men and are defined as castrated men, affiliated mates, objects for men to conquer, and machines to give birth to baby. He does not admit women as an independent subject but judges them by standards of androcracy. .Besides he puts women in an inferior position for their biological characteristic- without penis, which causes the women’s psychology of penis envy. Then under the influence of penis envy, women develop to be inferior to men in sexuality, personality and super ego.
  While any thought and theory are the product of its time and are limited by its time. Freud is also impossible to get rid of the influence of mechanical culture and misogynist culture in twenties century. His theory is colored with discrimination against women and serves as a tool to defense and justify those bias against women so as to maintain men’s dominant position .
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【摘 要】现代的玻璃马赛克已经不再是一门单一的艺术形式,它是一门综合艺术,在它不断的发展过程中形成了一种独特的艺术风格。它依附于建筑物并成为建筑的一部分,并与建筑的风格达到高度统一。它们二者相互依存,相互渗透。从另一个角度来说,玻璃马赛克是色彩变化的载体,其丰富的色彩与独特的艺术形式不仅在视觉上给人们带来强烈的冲击,还在建筑装饰方面得到更大的发展。  【关键词】玻璃马赛克 ;装饰 ;建筑  玻璃马
【摘 要】听障生是一群特殊的学生群体,他们由于听力障碍,在课堂上与健听学生存在着较大的差异,本文通过对听障生的美术课堂与健听生的美术课堂进行观察与分析,针对听障生的特征,改进他们的美术课堂教学,最终也进一步有效地提高听障生的课堂教学效率。  【关键词】听障生;健听生;美术课堂  如何优化与提高特殊教育学校的课堂教学效果是一个恒久性的课题,自特殊教育学校诞生之日起就是特教人常议不衰的话题,又是当今普
(一)春的喜悦  一年春知早,喜上眉梢。  一树花吐艳,把春来报。  (作者单位:云南省大理州巍山县文化馆)  写于2008年4月13日  (二)春来发几枝  绿装添生机,一叶知春。  枯树着绿装,春播希望。  (云南省大理州巍山县文化馆:沈春芳)  写于2008年4月13日  (三)红 叶 吟  无声岁月催人老,怎奈壮志愁人肠。  回首往事心无悔,誓把今朝山河改。  (云南省大理州巍山县文化馆:
大海啊,你能给我回应吗  心里长时间空空如野  任凭往事、任凭世人的撞击  也无法让心中那一潭清水激起一丝波浪  大海呀,你能回应吗  是什么尘封了我的心  心儿为什么是冰冷的  心儿似已停止了跳动  不再有感应  大海呀,能回应吗  当一个人失去痛苦、欢乐的感觉  没有冲动、没有梦想  时钟在亘古不变的的“嘀嗒”敲击  灵魂、肉体却苍白无力  激情在哪  它倘佯在另一条河流里  是唯一的吗  任
无尽落木萧萧下  这是秋天呀!  我看见落叶落下  从一开始,落叶  一片.两片落下  然后,一片片泛黄  一片片枯槁  然后铺天盖地浩浩荡荡  无情的秋风  萧杀的景象  秋季,是个多愁善感的女孩  太多的眼泪,太多的伤感  让金子般的心事无遗的  裸露在茫茫穹苍之下  不是暴殄天物  是一种美丽的极致  秋天的落叶  落下!落叶归根奥!  我听见了落叶落向根的方向  就像生命轮回中那些流殇的故
父亲的面庞是一本厚重的书  上面写满每一个日出到每一个日落之间的点点关爱  那绝不是简单的爱  也不是表面上伟大而实质空洞的爱  是靠山,心灵和生活中不竭的靠山  外面有时风很大  有时还会有雨  甚至是雪  可我不怕  那是因为有父亲  每当拖着疲惫的身体回到家中  总会有一个声音对我说“孩子,去休息一下吧,什么也别做”  享受自己拥有的一切吧  包括那些简单却充满无尽爱意的话语  在山林中走一
一、 妇女哭诉带来无限思考  他是一位房地产老板,拥有千万资产。但他同时也是异常忙碌,根本没有时间来陪自己的妻儿。他也是一位父亲,一样的父爱柔情,一样的父子温馨。儿子牛牛,今年7岁,活泼可爱。但孩子心中却有一个无以言说的痛楚——那就是父爱的缺席。他总是在心底问自己:“爸爸为什么那么忙?是爸爸不喜欢我,还是我犯错误,爸爸不理我了?”这是童年的追问,也是童年的伤逝。父亲的名字叫李海洋。在外面的世界,这
【摘 要】在当今经济社会,高职院校的三大构成课程教学的设置存在各种问题,使得平面设计专业的学生就业岗位能力同就业岗位技能要求需求存在明显的差距。结合高校平面类设计专业的发展趋势,三大构成课程的新特征,从社会的广告设计就业岗位需求的角度,分析高校三大构成课程的教学存在问题,探索出广告设计课程教学改革的新思路,明确今后的教学目标,提出三大构成课程的教学方向和具体措施。  【关键词】高职院校;三大构成;
【摘 要】实施素质教育是我国在21世纪面对挑战,培养新型人才的重要手段。因此提高国民素质是一个长远的教育战略,以提高整个民族的素质为宗旨,将知识与学生个人兴趣和才能相结合的同时还注重审美、情操和道德水平的提高。素质教育中音乐教育是其中一个方面,音乐教学在素质教育的浪潮中逐渐形成了一定的教育模式,音乐对学生的综合素质提高有很大的作用,因此对素质教育理念中音乐教育模式探究对音乐教学和培养新世纪人才十分
【摘 要】社会不断进步,经济发展带动文化的繁荣,人们物质生活不断丰富的同时,也开始注重精神生活的品质,文化在人们生活中的地位不断攀升。当前,群众文化是我国精神文明建设中重要的一环,做好群众文化工作,对提高广大人民群众的文化素质具有重要意义。本文分析了做好群众文化工作的作用,提出相应的建议。  【关键词】群众文化;幸福感;社会稳定  群众文化对维护社会稳定、创建和谐氛围具有重要意义。近些年,我国社会