2-D P-wave velocity structure of lithosphere in the North China tectonic zone: Constraints from the

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:girl_wang
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We obtained the 2-D P-wave velocity structure of the lithosphere in the eastern North China Craton, Shanxi fault subsidence zone, and Yinchuan-Hetao fault subsidence zone by ray tracking technology based on six groups of clearly identified crustal phases and one group of lithospheric interface reflection phases from seismic recording sections of 21 shots along the 1300-km-long Yancheng-Baotou deep seismic wide-angle reflection/refraction profile. The results indicate significant differences between the lithospheric structure east and west of the Taihang Mountains, which is a gravity-gradient zone as well as a zone of abrupt change in lithospheric thickness and a separation zone of different rock components. East of the Taihang Mountains, the Mesozoic and Cenozoic lithospheric structure of the North China Craton has undergone strong reformation and destruction, resulting in the lithosphere thickness decreasing to 70–80 km. The North China Basin has a very thick Cenozoic sedimentary cover and the deepest point of crystalline basement is about 7.0 km, with the crustal thickness decreasing to about 31.0 km. The crystalline basement of the Luxi uplift zone is relatively shallow with a depth of 1.0–2.0 km and crustal thickness of 33.0–35.0 km. The Subei Basin has a thicker Cenozoic sedimentary cover and the bottom of its crystalline basement is at about 5.0–6.0 km with a crustal thickness of 31.0–32.0 km. The Tanlu fault is a deep fracture which cuts the lithosphere with a significant velocity structure difference on either side of the fault. The Tanlu fault plays an important role in the lithospheric destruction in the eastern part of the North China Craton. West of the Taihang Mountains, the crustal thickness increases significantly. The crust thickness beneath the Shanxi fault depression zone is about 46 km, and there is a low-velocity structure with a velocity of less than 6.1 km s?? in the upper part of the middle crust. Combined with other geophysical study results, our data shows that the lithospheric destruction at the Shaanxi-Shanxi fault depression zone and the Yinchuan-Hetao rift surrounding the Ordos block is non-uniform. The lithosphere thickness is about 80–90 km in the Datong-Baotou area, 75–137 km at the Dingxiang-Shenmu region, and about 80–120 km in the Anyang-Yichuan area. The non-uniform lithospheric destruction may be related to the ancient tectonic zone surrounding the Ordos block. This zone experienced multi-period tectonic events in the long-term process of its tectonic evolution and was repeatedly transformed and weakened. The weakening level is related to the interactions with the Ordos block. The continental collision between the Cenozoic India and Eurasia plates and N-E thrusting by the Qinghai Tibet Plateau block is causing further reformation and reduction of the lithosphere. We obtained the 2-D P-wave velocity structure of the lithosphere in the eastern North China Craton, Shanxi fault subsidence zone, and Yinchuan-Hetao fault subsidence zone by ray tracking technology based on six groups of clearly identified crustal phases and one group of lithospheric interface reflection phases from seismic recording sections of 21 shots along the 1300-km-long Yancheng-Baotou deep seismic wide-angle reflection / refraction profile. The results indicate significant differences between the lithospheric structure east and west of the Taihang Mountains, which is a gravity-gradient zone as well as a zone of abrupt change in lithospheric thickness and a separation zone of different rock components. East of the Taihang Mountains, the Mesozoic and Cenozoic lithospheric structure of the North China Craton has undergone strong reformation and destruction, in the lithosphere thickness decreasing to 70-80 km. The North China Basin has a very thick Cenozoic sedimentary co ver and the deepest point of crystalline basement is about 7.0 km, with the crustal thickness decreasing to about 31.0 km. The crystalline basement of the Luxi uplift zone is relatively shallow with a depth of 1.0-2.0 km and crustal thickness of 33.0-35.0 km The Subei Basin has a thicker Cenozoic sedimentary cover and the bottom of its crystalline basement at at about 5.0-6.0 km with a crustal thickness of 31.0-32.0 km. The Tanlu fault is a deep fracture which cuts the lithosphere with a significant velocity structure The tanlu fault plays an important role in the lithospheric destruction in the eastern part of the North China Craton. West of the Taihang Mountains, the crustal thickness increased significantly. The crust thickness beneath the Shanxi fault depression zone is about 46 km, and there is a low-velocity structure with a velocity of less than 6.1 km s ?? in the upper part of the middle crust. Combined with other geophysical studs y results,our data shows that the lithospheric destruction at the Shaanxi-Shanxi fault depression zone and the Yinchuan-Hetao rift surrounding the Ordos block is non-uniform. The lithosphere thickness is about 80-90 km in the Datong-Baotou area, 75-137 km at the Dingxiang-Shenmu region, and about 80-120 km in the Anyang-Yichuan area. The non-uniform lithospheric destruction may be related to the ancient tectonic zone surrounding the Ordos block. This zone experienced multi-period tectonic events in the long -term process of its tectonic evolution and was repeatedly converted and weakened. The weakening level is related to the interactions with the Ordos block. The continental collision between the Cenozoic India and Eurasia plates and NE thrusting by the Qinghai Tibet Plateau block cause causing further information and reduction of the lithosphere.
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