近半个世纪以来,波音公司的 CH-47“支奴干”直升机一直在军中使用,可谓老骥伏枥,在美国参与的很多局部战争中几乎都有它的身影,是美国陆军最为得力的空中运输平台。自从1962年正式交付美国陆军使用以来,CH-47A 直升机先后改进和发展了多种衍生型,足迹遍布世界许多国家和地区,逐渐形成了一个子孙满堂的“支奴干”家族。如今,“支奴干”的新改型 HH-47赢得了美国空军新一代“作战搜索与救援直升机”(CSAR-X)项目,看来要不了多久,“支奴干”又将扮演新的角色。
For nearly half a century, the Boeing CH-47 / Chinook helicopter has been used by the military for a long time. Almost all the war in the United States has its shadow. It is the most effective force of the U.S. Army Air transport platform. Since the official delivery of the US Army in 1962, the CH-47A helicopter has successively improved and developed many kinds of derivatives. It has traveled many countries and regions in the world and gradually formed a family of “Chinooks” full of children and grandchildren. Today, the new variant of the Chinook won the USAF’s new generation of “CSAR-X” combat search and rescue helicopters, and it does not take long before the “Chinook” "Will play a new role in turn.