无数事实说明,一个团结的有战斗力的领导班子对于事业的发展,起着举足轻重的作用。因此,研究加强领导班子的团结是一个十分重要的问题。那么,怎样才能搞好班子团结昵?笔者认为: (一) 坚定一个信念。就是班子全体成员都要坚定不移地牢固树立团结的意识和信念。党性需要团结,工作需要团结,个人身心愉快也需要团结。团结观念立不牢,遇到问题就动摇,人们在一般意义上,都认为团
Numerous facts indicate that a united, combative leadership team plays a decisive role in the development of the cause. Therefore, studying and strengthening the unity of the leadership team is a very important issue. So, how can we do a good job of team unity? The author thinks: (A) A firm belief. It is that all members of the team must unswervingly firmly establish the sense of unity. Party spirit needs unity, work needs solidarity, and personal happiness needs unity. The concept of solidarity is not firmly established. When problems are encountered, they are shaken. People generally think that the group