24 h 动态血压监测(ABPM)可了解血压昼夜变化节律,ABPM 能够较完整地反映人体血压状况。通过对患者的24 h 动态血压观察,了解血压昼夜变化程度,探讨血压昼夜节律消失的高血压患者左室肥厚与动态血压各参数的相关关系。1.资料与方法:选择住院治疗的高血压患者,经病史、体检、实验室检查排除继发性高血压,所有入选患者均停降压药3 d 进行24 h 动态血压监测,择期行心脏彩超检测。参照文献[1]及夜间血压均值下降率<10%,选择昼夜节律消失的高血压患者42例,高血压诊断标准参见文献[2]。采用美国 Spacelab 90217型监测仪,24 h 监测读数≥60次的
24 h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) can understand the circadian rhythm of blood pressure, ABPM can more accurately reflect the status of human blood pressure. Through the 24 h ambulatory blood pressure observation of patients to understand the degree of diurnal variation of blood pressure, explore the relationship between left ventricular hypertrophy and ambulatory blood pressure parameters in patients with hypertension with disappearance of circadian rhythm. 1. Materials and Methods: Hypertensive patients were selected for hospitalization. Patients with secondary hypertension were excluded from medical history, physical examination and laboratory tests. All patients were stopped and antihypertensive drugs for 3 days and monitored for ambulatory blood pressure at 24 hours. Echocardiography Detection. Reference [1] and nocturnal decline in blood pressure <10%, select circadian rhythm disappeared in 42 patients with hypertension, hypertension diagnostic criteria see [2]. Using the United States Spacelab 90217-type monitor, 24 h monitoring reading ≥ 60 times