儿时,我经常听到父辈们谈起海南岛。在我心目中,这岛远在天涯海角,遥不可及。进入中学时代,轰动一时的芭蕾舞剧《红色娘子军》和抒情歌曲《我爱五指山,我爱万泉河》,又曾把我的心绪带到绿树婆娑的椰岛。我有时凝望着犹如一只雄鸡报晓的中国版图,思忖着该将那座椰岛看成是一支“凤爪”好呢,还是一颗“明珠”好呢?总之,那时我常常憧憬有朝一日能亲临此岛,饱览那里的名山胜水。 久之,岁月似乎淡化了我原先那渴望选胜登临的激情。但在最近,一个偶
In my childhood, I often heard my fathers talk about Hainan Island. In my mind, this island is far beyond the reach of the earth, out of reach. Into the high school era, the sensational ballet “Red Detachment of Women” and the lyrical song “I love Wuzhishan, I love Wanquan River”, but also brought my mood to the coconut tree island. Sometimes I stare at the Chinese territory as if I were a rooster. I think I should think of Coconut Island as a “phoenix claw” or a “pearl.” Anyway, I always looked forward to one day Can visit this island, enjoy the famous mountain wins water. For a long time, the years seemed to dilute my passion that yearn for victory. But recently, an even