中国的政治参与制度在清末初兴, 至民国得到肯定并随着国民政府县政改制运动的推进而向基层社会扩展。但国民政府扩大政治参与之动议, 并未允许或鼓励动员各政治力量参与政治进程, 各地建立的县各级议事机关即民意机关, 并未被赋予真正的民主职权, 活动范围受到限制, 普遍具有显著的行政化特征和辅助官治的效能, 然而却在推进中央政令、促成地方行政一体化中有所作为。本文以 20世纪 40年代四川县政议事机构的设立与运作为例, 一窥国民政府改革基层参政制度的努力与成效。
The system of political participation in China first flourished in the late Qing Dynasty, and was affirmed in the Republic of China and expanded to grass-roots society with the progress made by the Kuomintang government in its reform of the county and government systems. However, the motion of the Kuomintang government to expand political participation did not allow or encourage the mobilization of political forces to participate in the political process. The public opinion organs at all levels of the county level established throughout the country have not been given real democratic powers and functions, and their scope of activities has been restricted. Significant administrative features and auxiliary official performance, however, did something to promote the Central Government’s order and promote local administrative integration. Taking the establishment and operation of Sichuan county government agencies in the 1940s as an example, this essay provides a glimpse of the efforts and achievements made by the Kuomintang government in reforming the system of participating in politics at the grassroots level.