
来源 :新课程学习(中) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kateyg2919
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美术教学中美育的功能是陶冶情操,启迪智慧,激发创意,提高审美能力。同时,还可以培养学生对艺术创造的爱好和兴趣,激发学生产生热爱中华民族文化的爱国主义思想、对国外艺术家的尊重以及共产主义世界观的形成。端正学习态度,把美育贯穿在教学的始终。 The function of aesthetic education in art teaching is to cultivate sentiment, inspire wisdom, stimulate creativity, and improve aesthetic ability. At the same time, students can also cultivate their hobbies and interest in art creation, inspire students to develop patriotism that loves Chinese culture, respect foreign artists and form a communist world outlook. Correct learning attitude, the aesthetic education throughout the teaching.