连续相位调制(CPM)本身所具有的高功率和频谱利用率特性使得它在无线通信领域尤其是军事通信领域中应用广泛。根据CPM的Rimoldi分解模型,其可分解为连续相位编码(CPE)和无记忆调制(MM)的组合,基于CPE的记忆与递归特性,结合纠错码及随机交织器,设计基于软输入软输出(SISO)算法的迭代检测接收机,可有效的提高系统的误比特率性能和频带利用率。本文给出了迭代系统中连续相位调制的算法模型,并仿真了LDPC码与CPM迭代系统的误码率性能,为其他迭代检测接收机的设计提供了参考。“,”Continuous Phase Modulation(CPM) itself has the characteristics of high power and spectral efficiency in wireless communication makes it especially widely used in military communications. According to Rimoldi decomposition model of CPM, which can be decomposed into a continuous phase encoder (CPE) and memoryless modulator (MM) in combination, based on the CPE’s memory and recursive features, combined with error-correcting code and the random interleaver, designing iterative detection receiver based on soft input soft output (SISO) algorithm can effectively improve the bit error rate performance and bandwidth efficiency. This paper gives continuous phase modulation algorithm model in iterative system, and simulates the BER performance of iterative detection receiver which is composed of CPM and LDPC codes. This paper can provide a reference for the design of iterative detection receiver.