下午五点半,A局机关工作人员陆续下班回家。局办公室周秘书腋下夹着几份报纸和材料,低着头匆匆来到机关大院内的小卖部。 营业员小张不待周秘书开口,便冲着周秘书笑道:“呀,周大秘书,今儿晚上又得加班啊?怎么样,还是两包‘大前门’,一瓶‘洋河’,外加一袋椒盐花生米。共计9元8角6分,优惠你,就收9元8角吧。”周秘书苦笑了一下,边递钱边央告:“劳驾,帮我用塑料袋装一下,今天我要拎回家。”
At half past five in the afternoon, the staff of Bureau A went home from get off work one after another. Zhou office secretary of the Office folder several papers and materials under the armpit, bowed his head and hurriedly came to the canteen inside the compound. Salesman Zhang a week before the Secretary opened the book, then directed at the Secretary Zhou laughed: “Yeah, Secretary Zhou, tonight have overtime ah? How kind, or two bags ’front door’, a bottle ’Yang River’, plus A bag of salt and pepper peanuts. A total of 9 yuan 8 angle 6 points, discount you, it received 9 yuan 8 angle it. ”Secretary Zhou wry smile, while handing the money side of the central report:“ Excuse me, help me with plastic bags about today I will go home. ”