长三角地区是全国综合实力最强、增长潜力最大的经济区域。在本世纪初重要的战略机遇期中 ,这一区域的竞争力提升 ,很大程度上将取决于区内能否实现有效的联动发展。为此 ,实事求是地评估长三角联动的进程 ,深入细致地分析长三角联动的机理 ,积极大胆地探索长三角联动的思路 ,审时度势地提出长三角联动的举措 ,具有十分重要的战略意义。
The Yangtze River Delta region is the country with the strongest comprehensive strength and the largest growth potential. In the important strategic period of the beginning of this century, the improvement of competitiveness in this region will depend to a large extent on whether effective linkage can be achieved in the region. Therefore, it is of great strategic significance to evaluate the progress of the linkage in the Yangtze River Delta, analyze the mechanism of the linkage in the Yangtze River Delta, analyze the ideas of the linkage in the Yangtze River Delta actively and courageously to propose measures for the coordinated development of the Yangtze River Delta.