蒲伯(Alexander Pope,1688-1744),启蒙运动时期英国古典主义诗人。《批评论》(Essayon criticism,或译《论批评》)写成于1709年,是他的成名作,也是继亚里士多德《诗学》、贺拉斯《诗艺》、布瓦洛《诗的艺术》之后又一部古典文艺理论名著。《批评论》是用英雄体对句写成的哲理诗,在概括亚里士多德以来的古典主义理论家论诗的艺术的基础上,阐述了一些文学批评的原则;在抨击当时文艺批评界种种庸俗守旧的思想与作风的同时,提出了理想的批评家应有的修养与条件。《批评论》在我国已有翻译。我院支荩忠先生力求更准确地传译这部名著的内容与风采,这篇译文是他多年潜心研究、翻译的成果。翻译与创作、评论一样,也应该百花齐放,尤其对经典名著,更应允许和提倡不同风格的译本行世。本刊分两期连载支先生的新译,供学术界研究蒲伯的文艺美学思想,翻译界探讨由此涉及的古典格律诗的翻译理论与实践问题。
Pope (Alexander Pope, 1688-1744), during the Enlightenment British classic poet. Written in 1709, Essayon’s criticism (translated as “Criticism”) is his masterpiece, and follows Aristotle’s Poetics, Horace’s Poetic Art, Art of Poetry "after another famous classical theory of literature and art. Criticism is a philosophical poem composed of heroic sentences. Based on the art of classicalist theorists on Aristotle, this article elaborates some principles of literary criticism; in criticizing the literary and art critic circles While various kinds of vulgar and conservative ideology and style, at the same time, put forward the desired accomplishments and conditions of the ideal critics. Criticism has been translated in our country. Our hospital Mr. Zhi Zhongzhong seeks to translate the content and style of this famous work more accurately. This translation is the result of his painstaking research and translation for many years. Translation and creation, like comments, should also be blossoming, especially for the classics, but should allow and promote different styles of translation of the world. This issue consists of two chapters of the new translation of Mr. branch for academic research Pauper’s aesthetics of literature and art, the translation community to explore the classical theory of classical poetry translation theory and practice issues.