张玉华简介 1954年9月生,汉族;中共党员,教育学博士、教授,大连外国语学院院长。孙玉华教授一直致力于俄语教学和研究工作,在全国俄语界享有很高的声望。曾先后被评为中国首届高等学校百名教学名师、全国优秀教师、辽宁省优秀教师、中青年拔尖人才、劳动模范、优秀共产党员以及大连市劳动模范、优秀教师、优秀专家、第九届大连市“十大女杰”等,并获得国务院特殊津贴,当选为第九届人大代表、党代表、第十届大连市人大代表、全国俄语教学研究会理事、全国普希金研究会理事、全国外语教学指导委员会俄语组副组长、辽宁省作家协会会员等。获奖作品为《兴安岭奏鸣曲》(俄译汉)。
Zhang Yuhua Brief introduction 1954 September Health, Han nationality; CPC member, doctor of education, professor, Dean of Dalian Foreign Languages Institute. Professor Sun Yuhua has been devoting himself to teaching and researching Russian and enjoys a high reputation in the national Russian language community. Has been rated as China’s first colleges and universities hundred teachers, national outstanding teachers, outstanding teachers in Liaoning Province, middle-aged top-notch talent, model workers, outstanding communists and Dalian model worker, outstanding teachers, outstanding experts, the Ninth Dalian City “Top Ten”, and received special allowance from the State Council. Elected as the Ninth National People’s Congress, Party Representative, the Tenth Dalian Municipal People’s Congress, the National Russian Teaching Research Association, the National Pushkin Research Association, the National Foreign Language Teaching Guidance Committee Russian team deputy leader, Liaoning Provincial Writers Association and other members. The winning piece is “Xinganling Sonata” (Russian to Chinese).