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血管瘤的治疗应根据肿瘤类型,位置及病员的年龄等因素来决定。硬化剂注射之效果以鱼肝油酸钠为最好。本文报告1例面颞、颈部巨大海绵状血管瘤患者经大剂量5%鱼肝油酸钠治疗而取得满意的效果。现报告于后: 患者朱××,男,15岁。住院号170986。因左面颞、颈部渐增长大性肿物15年,要求治疗于1983年11月26日收住入院。体检:略。专科情况:颜面部明显不对称,左侧上至颧颞部,下至下颌骨下缘,前自口角至耳后乳突部,颈部于胸锁乳突肌前缘上1/3均可触及软性界限不清之包块。体位试验时上述各部明显膨隆,呈紫兰色。局部可触及结节状颗粒,皮肤表面有点状或小片状兰色素斑。无触压痛及博动感,听诊未闻及血管杂音。穿刺抽出暗红色血液。瘤体碘油造 The treatment of hemangiomas should be based on factors such as tumor type, location, and the age of the patient. The effect of the hardener injection is best with sodium morrhuate. This article reports a case of facial paralysis and huge cavernous hemangioma in patients with large doses of 5% sodium morrhuate to achieve satisfactory results. Reported later: Patient Zhu X, male, 15 years old. Hospital number 170986. Due to the gradual growth of large masses on the left side of the neck and neck for 15 years, treatment was required to be admitted to hospital on November 26, 1983. Physical examination: Slightly. Specialist situation: facial facial asymmetry, the left upper to the ankle, down to the lower edge of the mandible, the front from the mouth to the mastoid of the ear, the neck in the 1/3 of the anterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle Touched the soft boundary of unclear mass. During the body position test, the above-mentioned parts were obviously bulging and purple-brown. Locally palpable nodular granules with a little or small flaky blue pigmentation on the skin surface. No touch tenderness and sensation of mobilization, auscultation did not smell vascular murmurs. The puncture draws dark red blood. Tumor iodized
溴隐亭(Bromocriptin)是治疗垂体泌乳激素腺瘤(Prolactinoma)和生长激素腺瘤(G H adeno-ma)的药物之一。为探讨溴隐亭对瘤细胞形态变化的影响和临床应用价值,我们对五例服用
1985年7~10月,在Memorial Sloan-kettering癌症中心,70例经内窥镜检查、组织学证实的膀胱肿瘤患者,于流式细胞测定及活检前均作了排泄尿液细胞学检查(VUC)。根据其后病理学发
8月16日,福田北京(密云)多功能工厂迎来了蒙派克“头文字X”第一届全国极限操控漂移汇正式启动仪式,同时启动的还有蒙派克首创的MPV线上漂移网络游戏。 On August 16, the m