矿物药是指具有药用价值的天然矿物、化石及其加工品。矿物药的应用与植物药和动物药一样有着悠久的历史。对矿物药历史沿革的研究有助于我们对这类药物的深入了解,并充分明确其在药学发展史中的地位,这对于探索矿物药的作用原理,以及开发和合理地应用这些药物势必产生积极的影响。一、商周时代(公元前1600~公元前475年) 大量文史资料和出土文物说明,在商朝时,朱砂已作为书写甲骨文的涂料;周代采矿业和冶金术有了较大的发展,例如,《周礼》中有矿人“掌金玉锡石之地,而为之厉禁以守之”的记载。《管子·地数》里有“上有丹砂者,下有黄金;上有磁石者,下有铜金;上有绿石者,下有铅锡、赤铜;上有赭者,下
Mineral medicines refer to natural minerals, fossils and processed products that have medicinal value. The application of mineral medicine has a long history as much as plant and animal medicine. The study of the historical evolution of mineral medicines has helped us to gain an in-depth understanding of these drugs and to fully define their position in the history of pharmacy development. This is indispensable for exploring the principles of the action of mineral medicines and the development and rational use of these drugs. Positive effect. I. Shang and Zhou Dynasties (1600 BC-475 BC) A large number of cultural and historical materials and unearthed cultural relics indicate that in the Shang dynasty, cinnabar had been used as a coating for writing oracle bones; the mining industry and metallurgy in Zhou dynasty had made great progress. For example, in the “Zhou Li”, there are mines where “minds of gold, jade, and caskets have been handed down for the sake of banishment.” In Guanzi Number, there is “there is sand on the sand, there is gold; on the magnet there are copper and gold; on the green stone, there are lead tin and copper bronze;