在拉萨布达拉宫脚下,有一座高耸的铁塔,铁塔下是西藏人民广播电台。记者部主任办公室里,有一位言语不多、忠于职守、备受人们尊敬的中年人,他就是不久前获得第三届“范长江新闻奖”的格桑旦增。 这位年近五十的老记者,在他几十年的记者生涯中,始终以党的新闻事业为重,不计得失,默默奉献,赢得了广泛好评。 1978年,格桑旦增再次从内地学习归来。当他重新踏上孕育自己的高原时,并没有被这里的蓝天、白云和阳光所陶醉,而是感觉到自己肩上的担子更重了。他到西藏人民广播电台后,要求到基层工作。当年这位热血青年先后在日喀则、那曲、拉萨等记者站连续工作了14年之久。无论何时,他都把全部精力用到工作上,由
At the foot of the Potala Palace in Lhasa, there is a towering tower and under the tower is the Tibetan People’s Broadcasting Station. In the office of the director of the press department, there is a middle-aged man who has few words, is devoted to his duties, and has been greatly respected by the people. He was just recently Gesang Danan, who won the third “Fan Changjiang News Award.” The nearly 50-year-old reporter has won wide acclaim for not counting losses and dedication in his decades-long career as a journalist. In 1978, Gesang Dan once again returned from studying in the Mainland. Instead of being intoxicated by the blue skies, the white clouds and the sunshine, he felt the heavier burden on his shoulders as he set back on the plateau where he breeds his own life. After he went to the Tibetan People’s Broadcasting Station, he asked for work at the grassroots level. At that time, the passionate young man worked continuously for 14 years at reporters’ station in Shigatse, Nagqu and Lhasa. Whenever, he put all his energy to work, from