In recent years, chronic lung cancer is often seen, mostly described as eccentric, thick-walled, uneven walls, umbilical-like notches are still visible at the outer edges, and many are fluid. As for the thin-walled holes, there are very few such as bullae or cysts. See, 5 cases are reported below: Case 1: Male, 63 years old. More than two months after coughing and coughing, chest X-ray revealed a 3cm x 4cm hole in the left hilum. The diagnosis of “lung abscess” was admitted to the hospital. Symptoms of antibiotic treatment did not improve. Hemoptysis still occurred during hospitalization after January. Chest X-ray review of the left lung as before, and the occurrence of ipsilateral pleurisy, puncture out of yellow exudate, but also suspected of “tuberculosis” and pleurisy, change anti-TB treatment, half a month after the disappearance of blood stasis, with anti-TB drugs back Home treatment. Two months later, she was admitted to the hospital because of pain, headache, hoarseness in her left shoulder, paroxysmal coughing.