采用微量微生物法对阿米卡星 (AMK)单用及 AMK与头孢唑林 (CEZ)合用后 ,健康者体内AMK血药浓度进行测定 ;药时数据用 MCPKP软件经 IBM计算机处理 ,并对两组药动学参数进行了统计学处理 ,结果表明 CEZ对 AMK的药动学有显著的影响。
The AMK concentration in healthy subjects was determined by microbe method after amikacin (AMK) alone and AMK combined with cefazolin (CEZ). The data were processed by IBM computer with MCPKP software, Group pharmacokinetic parameters were statistically analyzed, the results show that CEZ has a significant impact on the pharmacokinetics of AMK.