婴儿脑型脚气病常易误诊为病毒性脑炎、心肌炎或低钙性抽搐,因治疗不及时,严重者可致死亡。为吸取经验教训,兹将我院1979年至1980年3月中收治的10例脑型脚气病进行分析如下。诊断依据1.患儿或患儿母亲有食用精白米史。2.有昏迷、抽搐、呼吸深快或浅表或节律不整3.用维生素B_1、丙硫硫胺或呋喃硫胺心后,短期内症状显著改善者。4.脑脊液正常;胸透心影增大,尤以右侧为著,心电图T 波低平,Q—T 延长,右心增大。
Infant brain beriberi often misdiagnosed as viral encephalitis, myocarditis or calcium convulsions, due to treatment is not timely, severe cases can cause death. In order to draw lessons, we will be hospital from 1979 to mid-1980 in 10 cases of beriberi be analyzed as follows. Diagnosis is based on 1. Children or children with mothers have eating white rice history. 2. A coma, convulsions, deep breathing or superficial or irregular rhythm 3. With vitamin B_1, propafamir or furan thiamine heart, short-term symptoms were significantly improved. 4. Cerebrospinal fluid is normal; chest X-ray increases, especially on the right, ECG T-wave flat, Q-T extended, right heart increased.