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目的 对髁状突骨折开放手术翼外肌解剖复位与游离复位的手术方法及术后功能的恢复进行对比研究。方法 对收治的18例24侧髁状突骨折患者,经过病史、体格检查、X线片、CT及三维CT诊断,选用开放性手术翼外肌解剖复位与游离复位不同的处理方法,并对患者术后髁状突的形态和功能加以分析对比。结果 开放手术经翼外肌解剖复位的病例在术后的解剖形态、咬合关系、尤其是下颌骨运动时偏斜等方面的疗效明显优于翼外肌游离复位的患者。结论 髁状突骨折开放手术选择翼外肌解剖复位,既可以增加髁状突复位的成功率,减少其可能引起的吸收,又可以最大限度地恢复患者的咀嚼功能,有较高的临床应用价值。“,”Objective To compare and analysis the differe nt functi onalrecovery of the fractured condyle after the two different opening operation s: anatomic reduction of the fractured condyle and the liberation reduction of t he fractured condyle. Methods 18 patients, 24 unilateral condylar fractures were treated in our department between January 1997 and October 1999. All the p atients were diagonsed through history, physical examination, radiographs, compu ted tomography scan and three-diemational reconstruction of a computed tomograp y scan. All the patient were divided into two groups, and the dislocated condyle s were reducted with two different ways: anatomic reduction and liberation reduc tion. Postoperatively, we compare and analysis the function and the mophorlogy o f the two groups of condyle. Results After treatment, we assessed the function on the aspects of anatomic mophorlogy, occlusion and the deviation on opening. The result of the patients treated with the anatomic reduction are much better than the other pati ents, especially on the aspoect of deviation on opening. Discussion The anatomic reduction of the dislocated condyle not onl y could increase the rate of operation success and decrease the possibility of t he absorbance of the condyle, but best recover the mastication function. it is u seful in clinical applying.
本文通过选取产能利用率等指标论证了中国钢铁行业存在产能过剩,并分析指出了原因在于重工业的急切需求及盲目追求GDP,最后对中国式大企业提出了看法。 This paper demonstr