我院自1997年以来,共收治异位妊娠23例,其中发生于绝育术后2例,发生率占8.69%,现分析如下。1 病例简介例1,27岁。在乡医院行女扎术后6月,无明显停经史及外伤史。因腹痛1天入院,根据症状体征考虑宫外孕而急诊剖腹探查,见双侧输卵管峡部均有7-0丝
Our hospital since 1997, a total of 23 cases of ectopic pregnancy, which occurred in 2 cases after sterilization, the incidence rate of 8.69%, are analyzed as follows. Case description 1 cases 1,27 years old. In the township hospital after female surgery in June, no obvious history of menopause and trauma. Due to abdominal pain 1 day admission, according to the symptoms and signs to consider ectopic pregnancy and emergency laparotomy, see both sides of the fallopian tube isthmus 7-0 wire