
来源 :福建艺术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gggoshow
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福建省实验闽剧院创作演出的《双蝶扇》是一个故事性、戏剧性很强的古代传奇剧。戏说的是林梦卿与陈子霖婚期在即,子霖却被无辜卷入突发命案并误判问斩。梦卿父母为了女儿的未来,让吴玉山顶替完婚。梦卿失身后即起殉情之志,但探监诀别时发现子霖之所以严刑不屈,靠的就是爱情力量。子霖得悉梦卿死志,发誓出狱后仍续婚姻。梦卿回吴家求休书,发现怀孕,吴家大喜,因此感恩为子霖申冤。子霖平反回来,梦卿已为人母。母子深情使他震撼,决意上京赴考。一 Fujian Provincial Experimental Min Theater creative performance of “Double Butterfly Fan” is a story, a very dramatic drama of ancient legends. The play is Lin Mengqing and Chen Zilin wedding just around the corner, Lin was innocently involved in a sudden murder and mistakenly sentenced to cut. Dreams parents for the daughter’s future, let Wu Yushan instead of married. Meng Qing became victims of martyrdom after losing their will, but the son of Lin found farewell when the prisoner was unjust, rely on the power of love. Lin Zilin Lin Meng died, vowed to continue after the release of marriage. Meng Qing Wu family begging for a break and found that pregnancy, Wu family overjoyed, so grateful for Lin Shen redress. Lin back down, Meng Qing has a mother. Affectionate mother and son so that he shocked, determined to go to Beijing test. one