Magnetocaloric effect in Gd_5Si_(1.85)Ge_(2.15) prepared by Gd metal with lower purity

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The magnetic phase transition and magneto- caloric effect of Gd5Si1.85Ge2.15 alloy are studied. The alloy was prepared from distilled commercial gadolinium. The major impurities (in wt.%) in the distilled commercial Gd are 0.016 O, 0.0054 C, and 0.0016 N. The impurities are higher than those in the high pure Gd but lower than those in commercial Gd. The results of X-ray diffraction and magnetic susceptibility show that there exists the first-order magnetic phase transition in the Gd5Si1.85Ge2.15 alloy at 253 K. The maximum of magnetic entropy change Smax is 12.5 J/kg·K near the temperature of magnetic phase transition in the alloy. The magnetic phase transition and magneto-caloric effect of Gd5Si1.85Ge2.15 alloy are studied. The alloy was prepared from distilled commercial gadolinium. The major impurities (in wt.%) In the distilled commercial Gd are 0.016 O, 0.0054 C, and 0.0016 N. The impurities are higher than those in the high pure Gd but lower than those in commercial Gd. The results of X-ray diffraction and magnetic susceptibility show that there exists the first-order magnetic phase transition in the Gd5Si1.85Ge2.15 alloy at 253 K. The maximum of magnetic entropy change Smax is 12.5 J / kg · K near the temperature of magnetic phase transition in the alloy.
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<正> 社会科学与自然科学相结合,是新时代和新任务的迫切要求。这个问题在1984年底讨论过一阵子,1990年底又重新提出来,说明还没有解决好。当时强调了从自然科学奔向社会科学的强大潮流,但并没有研究社会科学与自然科学的联盟问题。
<正> 山东省社会学学会於1990年11月10至12日在日照市石白港举行年会和理事会,收到论文及调查报告30余篇。会上公布了1990年度社会学优秀著作和论文的评选结果,并颁发了荣誉证书;修改了会章的个别条文;商定了1991年度学会工作和学术活动的内容和方式;增补了学会理事。