我含着热泪读完了上海《青年报》记者写的《五月老山行》。我为这位青年记者深入到火线前沿阵地,采访英雄们的战斗生活而感到无限的自豪。是的,我们八十年代的记者,应该具有这种新闻工作者特有的神圣的职业使命感:到战火纷飞的前线去,到火热的四化建设斗争第一线去,到时代的激流中去! 到英雄们中间,才能写出英雄的诗篇。敢于投身于时代激流的记者,才是最有出息的记者。中外著名记者的足迹和他们的成就无不证实了这个简单而又朴素的真理。难道不是这样吗?倘若《真理报》的战地记者鲍里斯·波列伏依,在第二次世界大战期间,不是活跃在战斗最前线的话,他能写出那些令人永志不
I read with tears the Shanghai Mayfair reporter wrote “May Laoshan”. I feel indefatigable for the young reporter going deep into the fire front and interviewing heroes for fighting. Yes, we correspondents in the 1980s should have the solemn sense of professional mission of journalists: go to the war-torn front line and go to the fiery first battle of the four-building struggle and go to the torrent of the times To the middle of the heroes can write a hero’s poem. A reporter who dares to devote himself to the torrent of the times is the best news reporter. The footprints of well-known Chinese and foreign journalists and their achievements have all confirmed this simple but simple truth. Is not it true that if the war correspondent Boris Porlevoy of Pravda was not at the forefront of fighting during the Second World War,