曾镜冰同志是党的第七届中央候补委员,原闽浙赣省委书记和中国人民解放军闽浙赣人民游击纵队司令员兼政委。他在艰苦复杂的环境中,长期坚持武装斗争和白区工作,做出了显著的成绩,是闽浙赣英雄儿女的杰出代表。 (一) 一九一二年十一月二十七日曾镜冰出生在广东省海南岛琼山县良田园村的一户贫苦农民家里。琼山县是在海南岛首先燃起革命烽火的地方,一九二三年冬就成立了中共县支部。曾
Comrade Jing Bing Bing is the Seventh Central Committee Alternate Member of the Party, the former secretary of the Fujian, Zhejiang, and Jiangxi Provincial Committees, and the commander and commissar of the Guerrilla Column of People’s Liberation Army of Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi. In an arduous and complicated environment, he persisted in armed struggle and white-area work for a long time and made notable achievements. He is an outstanding representative of the heroic children in Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces. (A) On November 27, 1912, he was born in a poor peasant family in Liangtian Yuan Village, Qiongshan County, Hainan Island, Guangdong Province. Qiongshan County was the first place in Hainan Island where a revolutionary beacon was set to fire. In the winter of 1923, a CPC county branch was established. Once