每周國際時事討論提綱 一、斯大林關於原子武器答(?)理報記者問的要點是什麽?這個文件何以是世界和平的偉大福音? 二、開城停戰談判中斷是由於什麽原因?我方十月七日的新建議何以是對美方是否有和談誠意的再一次的考驗? 三、塔西尼赴美乞援的企圖是什麽,美國究竟能給予他什麽? 四、伊朗人民的反英美帝國主義者侵略的鬥爭對於保衛世界和平的事業有什麽作用?
Outline of Weekly International Current Affairs Discussion Outline 1. What are the points raised by Stalin in regard to the Arsenal A (?) Reich newspaper reporter? What is this document as the great blessing of world peace? 2. What is the reason for the suspension of the truce in Kaesong? What is the attempt by the United States to give aid to Thaksin? What can the United States give him? Fourth, the anti-British and US imperialists of the Iranian people What is the role of the struggle for aggression in the cause of safeguarding world peace?