
来源 :新疆艺术(汉文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Tiger7
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舞蹈作为一门重要的表演艺术,应当做到与时俱进,不断创新,坚持扬弃,为推动我国文化大发展大繁荣起到重要作用。当今社会在现代舞的冲击下,舞蹈的编创更偏向于反映现实生活和现代人的生活面貌。将民族舞与现代舞结合,亦是传统与现代的撞击,文化的发展需要这样的撞击所爆发出的创新的火花,既能促进和繁荣社会文化事业,同时也更好地弘扬了民族精神。 As an important performance art, dance should be advancing with the times, innovating constantly and upholding it, playing an important role in promoting the great development and prosperity of our country’s culture. Under the impact of modern dance in today’s society, the creation of dance is more inclined to reflect the real life and modern life. The combination of folk dance and modern dance is also a collision between tradition and modernity. The development of culture needs the spark of innovation sparked by such an impact, which can both promote and prosper the social and cultural undertakings and at the same time promote the national spirit.
思维导图用线条和节点相互组合的形式有条不紊地展现思路,能让头脑思考变得更为高效。小学写作教学中,教师指导学生撰写记叙文时,可以引导学生巧妙地使用思维导图促进教学,让学生在思维导图的引导下明确写什么、怎么写。这样就能避免学生不知道如何下手写作的问题,能让学生在写作时始终保持清醒的头脑,解决作文构思难的问题。一、点状分解,叙事张弛有度  撰写记叙文时,少不了叙事。但是,不少学生叙事时容易头脑混乱,不知