在生活中,如果您有既方便又实用的生活小窍门,一定要告诉《健康》杂志,让大家分享您的成果。小窍门一经选用,本刊将根据质量和读者反馈,给每条小窍门的作者发放稿酬。感谢您的热情支持!通信地址:北京市东城区和平里中街16号北院《健康》杂志“小窍门”栏目收邮编:100013电子邮箱:[email protected]
If you have a handy and useful lifestyle guide in life, be sure to tell Health Magazine so that everyone can share your results. Tips Once selected, this publication will be based on the quality and feedback from readers, give tips for each author’s remuneration. Thank you for your warm support! Address: Hepingli Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing No. 16 North Hospital “Health” magazine “Tips” column Received: 100013 E-mail: [email protected]