进入桂阳县县委机关大门步行百十米,上几十级石板台阶,便是县档案馆所在地。只见古木参天,小花绽放,鸟语虫鸣,使你遐想悠悠。近些年来,这小院一反往日沉寂幽闭而热闹起来,人们说如今档案馆这个冷门成了热门,把馆长骆耀武赞为“热门掌柜”。 要说档案馆的热门事,令人印象最深的,莫过于那散发着油墨芳香的十三种近三百万字的编纂资料。为了给桂阳人提供一本爱国爱乡的教材,给外界了解桂阳提供一扇窗口,骆耀
Go to Guiyang county government gate hundred meters walk, dozens of stone steps, is the county seat of the archives. I saw ancient trees towering, small flowers bloom, birds of prey, so you reverie long. In recent years, the courtyard has been quiet and quiet, but it has been bustling with people in the past. People say that this popular archives has become a hot topic. The director Luo Yaowu like this as a “hot treasurer.” One of the most impressive things about the archives’ hot topics is the compilation of nearly three million words exuding the fragrance of ink. In order to give Guiyang a patriotic love of rural teaching materials to the outside world to understand Guiyang provide a window, Luo Yao