From 1984 to 1990, in our hospital, there were three cases of focal lesions and inguinal masses in the foot. After surgical resection, pathological examination confirmed the metastasis of malignant melanoma. Because of late arrival, the prognosis was poor. Case Report Example 1: Male, 60 years old. The right eye of the thumb had a swollen eye on the corn, and the right inguinal mass increased progressively in February. Before the admission, due to the swelling and pain of the “corn”, he cuts himself and is prone to bleeding. Ask the surgeon to make a “corn” cut and grow it after cutting. The right groin was admitted to the hospital. Physical examination: There were brown and gray broad bean-like skin lesions on the right hallux toe surface, pale bloody exudates, and normal body temperature. Ipsilateral inguinal lymphadenopathy such as large eggs. In the epidural anesthesia down the right thumb