芬兰人口为510万。国土面积为33.8万平方公里。芬兰官方语言有两种:93%的人讲芬兰语,6%的人讲瑞典语。 芬兰是实行议会民主制的宪政共和国。1917年12月6日,芬兰宣布脱离俄罗斯独立建国。 芬兰1950年成为GATT/WTO成员,1955年成为联合国成员,
Finland’s population is 5.1 million. Land area of 338,000 square kilometers. Finland has two official languages: 93% speak Finnish and 6% speak Swedish. Finland is a constitutional republic with parliamentary democracy. December 6, 1917, Finland announced its independence from the founding of Russia. Finland became a member of GATT / WTO in 1950, became a member of the United Nations in 1955,