妇女观是指社会对妇女的看法 ,人类的妇女观经历了从“文化人”、“经济人”、“政治人”到普遍人权及可持续发展观的演变 ;考察妇女问题有三个维度 ,分别以男人、人和妇女自身作为参照系 ,并对应于平等、博爱、自由三个层面内涵 ;从总体上看 ,妇女问题的症结在于生理基础—分工选择—环境强化综合因素的作用 ,因而需从生产力、生产关系与社会文明三个层次着手加以解决。妇女问题的实质是社会分工所导致的人类生产异化的结果 ,解决妇女问题有赖于社会文明的全面进步与社会总异化的彻底消除 ,从根本上有赖于社会全面、自由与和谐的发展。
The concept of women refers to the society’s view of women. The concept of women in humanity has undergone an evolution from “cultural man”, “economic man” and “political man” to universal human rights and the concept of sustainable development. There are three dimensions in examining the issue of women, The three dimensions of equality, fraternity and freedom are men’s, women’s and women’s self-construals. On the whole, the crux of women’s problems lies in the physiological basis, the division of labor and the role of environmental strengthening comprehensive factors, Productivity, relations of production and social civilization at the three levels to be addressed. The essence of the women’s issue is the result of the alienation of human production caused by the social division of labor. The solution to the problem of women depended on the all-round progress of social civilization and the total elimination of social alienation, and fundamentally on the development of social comprehensiveness, freedom and harmony.