X-band EPR studies on Cu[(C_6H_(11)O)_2PS_2]_2 complex single crystal at room tempera-ture were reported.The EPR spectrum shows that the hyperfine structure is produced by ~(63)Cu nuclei,and the ligand hyperfine structure by ~■p nuclei.The spin-Hamiltonian parameters were rigorouslycalculated using a least-squares-fitting technique,specially adapted to noncoincident g and A tensorssystems.The principal values of g tensor imply that Cu~(2+) occupies the site consisting of four ligandsS,and is tetragonal symmetric,but the principal values of A tensor in Cu-S_4 plane reveal a largeanisotropy caused by the presence of two ligands P.One of principal axes for g and A tensors iscoincident,and they are perpendicular to the Cu-S_4 plane.It was found that the interactionbetween electron spin and ligands ~(31)p nuclear spin is isotropic and the hyperfine-coupling constantAP related ligands was obtained.
X-band EPR studies on Cu [(C_6H_ (11) O) _2PS_2] _2 complex single crystal at room tempera-ture were reported. The EPR spectrum shows that the hyperfine structure is produced by ~ (63) Cu nuclei, and the ligand hyperfine structure by ~ ■ p nuclei. The spin-Hamiltonian parameters were rigorouslycalculated using a least-squares-fitting technique, specially adapted to noncoincident g and A tensors systems. The principal values of g tensor imply that Cu ~ (2+) occupies the site consisting of four ligands S, and is tetragonal symmetric, but the principal values of A tensor in Cu-S 4 plane reveal a large anisotropy caused by the presence of two ligands P. One of the principal axes for g and A tensors is coincident, and they are perpendicular to the Cu-S_4 plane. It was found that the interaction between electron spin and ligands ~ (31) p nuclear spin is isotropic and the hyperfine-coupling constant AP related ligands was obtained.