临床上采用去甲肾上腺素 (NE)治疗心衰 ,但循环血中NE超过生理阀值时可造成心肌细胞能量储备耗竭 ,以至坏死。作者报告镁离子对去甲肾上腺素所致兔心肌细胞损害的保护作用。1 材料与方法1.1 材料 ♂新西兰白兔 2 4只 ,体重 (2 10± 13)g ;硫酸镁注射液 (无锡第七制药厂
The clinical use of norepinephrine (NE) in the treatment of heart failure, but circulating blood NE over the physiological threshold can cause myocardial cell energy reserve depletion, and even necrosis. The authors report the protective effects of magnesium on norepinephrine-induced damage in rabbit cardiomyocytes. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Materials ♂ New Zealand white rabbits 24, body weight (2 10 ± 13) g; magnesium sulfate injection (Wuxi Seventh Pharmaceutical Factory