田间试验表明:各种施肥配方对夏芝麻产量影响由大到小的顺序依次为NP>K>N>P,高肥力田块,目标产量为1110.0kg hm-2,氮肥经济合理施用量为N106.5 kg hm-2,磷肥经济合理施用量为P2O552.5kg hm-2;中肥力田块,目标产量1011.0kg hm-2,氮肥经济合理施用量为N129.0kg hm-2,磷肥经济合理施用量为P2O5117.0 kg hm-2;低肥力田块,目标产量759.0 kg hm-2,氮肥合理经济施用量为N147.0 kg hm-2,磷肥经济合理施用量为P2O564.5 kg hm-2。氮肥以底追结合和二次追施方式效果最好,比对照增产34~35%。,叶面肥增产幅度为7.7~10.4%,以喷磷酸二氢钾和喷硼效果最好。该项研究取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益。
Field experiments showed that the order of the effect of different fertilization formulas on the yield of summer sesame was NP> K> N> P, high fertility plots, the target yield was 1110.0 kg hm-2, the economic and rational application of nitrogen fertilizer was N106 .5 kg hm-2, P2O552.5kg hm-2; P fertile field plots, the target yield of 1011.0kg hm-2, N129.0kg hm-2 economic rationality of nitrogen fertilizer, The amount of P2O5117.0 kg hm-2; low-fertility plots, the target output of 759.0 kg hm-2, N fertilizer application economic ration of N147.0 kg hm-2, P fertilizer economy and rational application of P2O564.5 kg hm-2 . The effect of nitrogen fertilizer at the bottom and the second chase was the best, 34 ~ 35% higher than the control. , Foliar yield increase of 7.7 to 10.4%, to spray the best potassium dihydrogen phosphate and boron spray. The research has achieved remarkable economic and social benefits.