残余子宫角妊娠比较罕见。由于诊断困难,常被忽略或误诊,三十年来我们共诊治5例。现报告如下: 例1:杨××,20岁,1953年11月19日因月经少、痛经十月余、下腹包块已两年半而入院。1951年2月曾闭经11个月,停经三个月后发现下腹部有一硬块,如鸡蛋大,停经七个月时觉腹中有跳动,包块逐渐长大。1952年1月月经按月来潮,腹部包块未继续增大。妇科情况:子宫大小正常,偏左侧,活动好,腹部包块位于子宫右前方,推之活动,无压痛。右穹窿饱满,无压痛,当时诊断为右侧卵巢实质瘤。
Residual uterine horn pregnancy is relatively rare. Due to the difficulty of diagnosis, often overlooked or misdiagnosed, three years we have a total of five cases. Now report as follows: Example 1: Yang × ×, 20 years old, November 19, 1953 due to less menstruation, dysmenorrhea in October, lower abdominal mass has been two and a half years and admitted. 1951 February amenorrhea for 11 months, three months after menopause was found in the lower abdomen had a lump, such as eggs, stop for seven months when the abdomen beating, mass gradually grew up. January 1952 menstrual cramps, abdominal mass did not continue to increase. Gynecological conditions: normal uterine size, left side, good activity, abdomen mass in the right front of the uterus, push the activity, no tenderness. Right dome full, no tenderness, was diagnosed as right ovarian parenchyma.