采用 2 1年逐日降水、月径流及作物生育期需水量资料 ,运用模糊数学分析了降水对小麦、玉米、谷子、马铃薯等四种作物生长的降雨量、时期、有效程度三种适宜度 ,并对三种适宜度累积加权平均得到雨量、雨时、雨效的三个适宜态 ,进而得出降雨效能指数 ,用来整体评价降水的作物适宜性。其评价结果表明延安地区降雨对玉米、谷子种植效能指数最高 ,其次为马铃著。而小麦种植由于生育期降雨量偏少 ,其降雨效能指数很低 ,只有在有补充灌溉的情况下 ,减轻降雨量偏少的干旱影响 ,才是发展小麦种植的有效途径。研究结论对同类地区农业生产有理论上指导意义
Using 21-year daily precipitation, monthly runoff and crop growth period water demand data, this paper analyzed the suitability of precipitation on the rainfall, period and effective degree of the growth of four crops such as wheat, corn, millet and potato by using fuzzy mathematics The three appropriate fitness levels were weighted averagely to get the three suitable states of rainfall, rain and rain effect, then the rainfall efficiency index was obtained to evaluate the crop suitability of precipitation. The evaluation results show that the Yanan area of corn, millet planting efficacy index highest, followed by the horse bell. However, due to the low rainfall during the growing season and the low rainfall efficiency index, wheat planting is an effective way to develop wheat under the condition of insufficient rainfall. The conclusion of the study is theoretically instructive to agricultural production in the same area