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作者以法国和德国为例,介绍了欧洲出版业的发展过程。首先,作者阐释了“出版者”(editeur)一词在拉丁文、法文以及德文中的涵义,以解释“出版者”最初的特点。随后,作者介绍了从16世纪到20世纪初出版业的发展并分析了其中的三个阶段。第一阶段,特别在法国大革命以前,阅读、书写和接触经典的机会只供少数人享有。第二阶段始于十八世纪初的英国出版权制度,其时出版、印剧和发行工作的专业分工开始出现,出版者必须先有一个投资计划和出版设想来迎合大众口味。第三阶段是新的书籍革命、大众文化时期,此时工业化出版满足了大批量发行的需要。现在,我们正处于第四个阶段,出版业被集团化控制,他们的作用比单纯的出版要大得多……作者的分析并不是纯粹着眼于出版业本身的历史,而是将其置于欧洲社会政治、经济和文化的广阔背景之中,以期得出一个全面的结论。 The author of France and Germany, for example, introduced the development of the publishing industry in Europe. First, the author explains the meaning of the term “publisher” in Latin, French, and German to explain the original features of “publisher.” Subsequently, the author introduced the development of the publishing industry from the 16th century to the early 20th century and analyzed three stages. In the first stage, especially before the French Revolution, the chances of reading, writing and approaching classics were only available to the minority. The second phase began with the UK copyright system of the early eighteenth century, when professional division of labor in publishing, printing and distribution began to emerge. Publishers must first have an investment plan and publication vision to cater to the tastes of the general public. The third stage is a new book revolution, popular culture period, when industrialization published to meet the needs of mass distribution. Now that we are in the fourth stage, the publishing industry is controlled by the group, and their role is much greater than mere publication ... The author’s analysis does not focus purely on the history of the publishing industry, European socio-political, economic and cultural broad context, with a view to reaching a comprehensive conclusion.
【正】 《萤窗异草》是模拟《聊斋志异》的著作。它与《聊斋》相仿佛,神仙、鬼狐、精怪的幻化;公案、趣闻、社会传奇的敷演是它的主要内容。每篇篇末,加以“外史氏曰”,以短
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法官地位问题是目前司法改革中遇到的核心问题之一 ,运用经济学的分析方法 ,在哈耶克自发秩序理论的基础上 ,以社会分工为逻辑起点 ,沿“经济人”理性选择的路径 ,探讨初始产