Under the condition of complex surface, the finite difference seismic wavefield numerical simulation, due to the low velocity layer and the surface undulation, the model velocity distribution range becomes larger, the fine differential grid is generally used to suppress the dispersion and improve the analog resolution, but the fine mesh In order to solve this problem effectively, this paper presents a numerical simulation method for step-adaptive finite difference wave equation. (1) The new method is based on the velocity distribution in the model, The spatial step matching with the velocity is used to fine-tune the step size of the model space grid.For complex surface models with large velocity distribution, the new method not only can greatly reduce the number of mesh nodes in the model, Can improve the time sampling step of the wave field, reduce the number of time samples and improve the computational efficiency. (2) The second-order finite difference expressions of Laplace operators in non-synchronous long-boundary mesh nodes are deduced, which avoids interpolation at these nodes (3) In order to reduce the numerical dispersion caused by the finite difference, this paper adds to the conventional difference equation The dispersion correction term can effectively attenuate the high-wavenumber components and suppress the numerical dispersion.The numerical simulation of the wave field of the complex near-surface shows that the new adaptive step-length method proposed in this paper can effectively reduce the number of grid nodes and time The number of samplings greatly improves the computational efficiency, and the computational cost is increased more than the conventional coarse grid, but the result can reach the simulation result of the conventional fine grid.