
来源 :华中师范大学研究生学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovezjx
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在武汉随机抽取272名要参加音乐高考的学生,考察音乐类高考生考试焦虑、自我价值感与成就目标的关系。本研究发现:(1)音乐高考生的考试焦虑存在性别差异,女生的焦虑平均得分显著高于男生。(2)相关分析表明,考试焦虑与总体自我价值感、社会取向自我价值感、个人取向自我价值感,总体自我价值感与回避目标均呈显著的负相关;考试焦虑与回避成绩目标,总体自我价值感与社会取向自我价值感、个人取向自我价值感、趋近成绩目标、掌握目标均呈显著正相关。(3)回归分析表明,考试焦虑对个人取向自我价值感、回避成绩目标的回归方程显著。 In Wuhan randomly selected 272 students to participate in the music college entrance examination, music exam exam anxiety, self-worth and achievement goals. The study found that: (1) there is a gender difference in test anxiety among music college students, and the average scores of anxiety in girls are significantly higher than those in boys. (2) Correlation analysis showed that test anxiety was significantly negatively correlated with overall self-worth, social orientation self-worth, personal orientation self-worth, overall self-worth and avoidance goals; test anxiety and avoidance achievement goals, overall self The sense of value and social orientation of self-worth, personal orientation of self-worth, approaching the achievement of the goal, have a significant positive correlation. (3) The regression analysis shows that the regression equation of test anxiety on individual orientation self-worth and avoidance achievement goals is significant.
同学们,你们有什么爱好?是踢球,还是书法,抑或是唱歌?有一位同学的爱好很奇特——玩石头,让我们一起见识见识。  最近,我迷上了玩石。  一次,我看到爸爸一边在看朋友圈,一边啧啧称赞。我好奇地扑上去,看是什么让爸爸这么目不转睛。“哇,这么漂亮的石头啊,哪儿来的?”“哈哈,这你就不知道了吧,这可是我们同事从山上自己捡来的,厉害吧!”爸爸笑了笑。我羡慕不已,原来石头也可以这么漂亮。  周日是爸爸带我们例