6月间,一位高位截瘫、靠自强奋斗而闻名的美籍华人青年将应邀到北京参观、访问,届时他将与北京各界青年和正在这里集训的第六届远东及南太平洋地区残疾人运动会的中国运动员及“我们同行”讲演团、艺术团的残疾人一起座谈联欢。 他的名字叫张士柏。张士柏不是命运的宠儿,14岁时的那场厄运几乎断送了他的一切,然而他却是人生的强者,他的奋斗和成功使千千万万的人为之感动。他从大学二年级开始把学习和研究的注意力转向东方经济,并利用假期数次飞越太平洋到故乡宁波北仑考察、捐资,立志学成后为故乡经济的发展做贡献。 从绝望中站起来 1987年2月12日下午,14岁的张士柏正在和美国少年游泳队的队友们做赛前的最后一次练习,由于起跳时用力过猛,头部触及池底,造成颈椎骨断裂,高位截瘫,至此他不可能再站起来了。 在残酷的现实面前,张士柏泪如泉涌,他听不见同学、老师、教练的劝慰,脑海里只闪现着两个可怕
In June, a high paraplegic young American Chinese known for his self-improvement struggle will be invited to Beijing for a visit and visit. At that time, he will work with Beijing youth from all walks of life and the Sixth Far East and South Pacific Paralympic Games Of the Chinese athletes and “our colleagues” speech group, the troupe of art troupe together to talk together. His name is Zhang Shibo. Zhang Shibai is not the darling of fate. His fate at the age of 14 almost ruined everything. However, he was a strong man in his life. His struggles and successes touched millions of people. From the second year of university, he shifted the attention of study and research to the oriental economy and used the holidays to fly over the Pacific to the hometown of Beilun, the hometown of Ningbo. After donations were made, he determined to make contributions to the economic development of his hometown. Stand up from despair In the afternoon of February 12, 1987, 14-year-old Zhang Shibo is working with the American Junior Swim Team’s teammates to do the last practice before the game, due to excessive force during take-off, touching the bottom of the head, resulting in cervical vertebra Fracture, high paraplegia, so he can not stand up again. In the face of brutal reality, Zhang Shibo tearful tears, he could not hear the students, teachers, coaches counseling, my mind flashed only two horrible