《波利菲洛之寻爱绮梦》(Hypnerotomachia Poliphili,简称《寻爱绮梦》),是意大利文艺复兴时期的一本浪漫爱情小说。它延续的是中世纪传奇小说(如《玫瑰传奇》)和早一个世纪的薄伽丘(Boccaccio)的《爱之景》的田园牧歌式文学传统。该书1499年首次出版于威尼斯的阿尔蒂尼出版社。书的作者为弗朗切斯科·科隆纳(Francesco Colonna)。这显然是个化名。其真实身份难以考证。历代研究者们提出七八位可能的候选人,不过至今尚无定论。和作者一样,这本书也充满了神秘感—其中包含了托斯卡纳语、拉丁语、希腊语、希伯来语、阿拉伯语,以及迦勒底语(Chaldean)和象形文字。
“Hypnerotomachia Poliphili” is a romance romantic novel in Italian Renaissance. It continues the idyllic literary tradition of medieval legend novels (such as The Legend of Rose) and Boccaccio's Love Scene for a century-long tradition. The book was first published in 1499 in Artini, Venice. The book's author is Francesco Colonna. This is obviously a pseudonym. Its true identity is difficult to verify. Past generations of researchers proposed seven or eight possible candidates, but so far no conclusion. Like the author, the book is full of mystery - including Tuscan, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, as well as Chaldean and hieroglyphs.