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在日常生活中,书籍不仅是我们获得知识的源泉,它还灌溉着我们的心灵、砥砺着我们的意志、充实着我们的头脑,帮助人们不断求得进步。近些年来,国内的书籍设计取得了震古烁今的成就,人们也逐渐的意识到,书籍设计不单单是对书籍封面的设计,更是对其内部构成元素,版式内容的设计。版式设计,其内涵就是在一个有限的空间里,即书籍的版面当中,按照设计师所需要的信息传达要求和受众群体所需要的视觉审美要求,在平面设计的理念指导下,运用各类视觉要素和设计技法,将文字、图形、色彩等视觉要素加以形式美的设计编排,从而达到信息传达的视觉艺术设计。版式设计的范围颇广,涉及到书籍、报纸、招贴、杂志、网页等诸多方面。 In everyday life, books not only serve as a source of knowledge, but they also irrigate our hearts, develop our will, enrich our minds, and help people keep progressing. In recent years, the domestic book design has made the achievements of the ancient Shuojin, people gradually realized that the book design is not only the design of the book cover, but also the design of its internal composition elements and layout content. Layout design, its connotation is in a limited space, that is, the layout of books, according to the information required by the designer to communicate the requirements and audiences required visual aesthetic requirements, under the guidance of the concept of graphic design, the use of various types of vision Elements and design techniques, the text, graphics, colors and other visual elements to the beauty of the design layout, so as to achieve the visual communication of information design. A wide range of layout design, involving books, newspapers, posters, magazines, web pages and many other aspects.
据卫生部门和水利部门的调查,我国农村饮用水符合农村饮水卫生准则的比例为66%,还有34%的人口饮用水达不到要求。初步摸底调查显示,我国有3亿多 According to the survey co