针对基于悬浮平台微波凝视关联成像系统对变脉冲宽度和大峰值功率的需求,研制了一款X波段变脉冲固态功率放大器。描述该放大器组件中高速漏极调制及保护电路和射频开关的实现方案,分析大功率高速漏极调制电路输出电压脉冲的影响因素,优化调制电路的负载设计,并解决功放输出射频脉冲的包络凹陷问题。经试验验证:研制的功率放大器具有散热性好,稳定工作时间长,最窄脉宽20 ns,上升下降沿均小于3 ns,峰值功率大于40 W的射频脉冲输出等特点;其漏极调制电路输出24 V电压脉冲,上升沿小于20 ns,下降沿约60 ns。
Aiming at the demand of variable pulse width and large peak power based on the suspended platform microwave gaze correlation imaging system, an X-band pulsed solid state power amplifier is developed. Describe the implementation of high-speed drain modulation and protection circuit and RF switch in this amplifier module, analyze the influencing factors of output voltage pulse of high-power high-speed drain modulation circuit, optimize the load design of modulation circuit and solve the envelope of output RF pulse Depression problem. The experimental verification shows that the developed power amplifier has the characteristics of good heat dissipation, stable working time, narrowest pulse width 20 ns, rising and falling edges less than 3 ns, and peak power greater than 40 W; the drain modulation circuit A 24 V voltage pulse is output with a rising edge of less than 20 ns and a falling edge of approximately 60 ns.