现代信息技术的快速发展以及之前版本自身存在的不足催生了MoR eq版本的又一次更新——MoR eq2010。较之前的版本,MoReq2010增加了许多新的概念,采用了“基于服务的架构”和“模块化”构成方式,将系统的功能表现为不同的服务模块,实现了从功能到服务的变迁;MoReq2010将互操作性视为文件系统的基础,以保证文件在文件系统之间的无缝迁移;MoReq2010对分类和集合及其关系进行了重新界定,允许文件以更为灵活的方式聚集保存。
The rapid development of modern information technology and its own shortcomings of the previous version gave birth to MoR eq version of another update - MoR eq2010. Compared with the previous version, MoReq2010 has added many new concepts, adopting “service-based architecture” and “modularity” to make the system function as a different service module, from the function to the service ; MoReq 2010 sees interoperability as the foundation of the file system to ensure the seamless migration of files between file systems; MoReq2010 redefines classification and collections and their relationships, allowing files to gather in a more flexible manner save.