1876年3月,在美国人贝尔的实验室中诞生了人类历史上的第一部电活机,一百多年过去了,随着电子学领域的发展,特别是晶体管和集成电路的发明,使电话通信技术得到了长足的进步,原始的电磁式电话机已被自动电话机和电子电话机所取代,各种能够自动应答并将来话记录、重放的录音电话机也应运而生。 目前常见的录音电话可分为三种,即留言电话机、电话录音机和自动应答录音电话机。留言电话机即主人预
In March 1876, the first electro-active machine in the history of human beings was born in the American Bell Laboratory. Over a hundred years later, with the development in the field of electronics, especially the invention of transistors and integrated circuits, The telephone communication technology has made great strides. The original electromagnetic telephone has been replaced by an automatic telephone and an electronic telephone. A variety of recording telephones capable of automatically answering and recording incoming and outgoing telephone calls have also emerged. The current recording of the telephone can be divided into three types, namely, voice mail, telephone tape recorders and automatic answering voice telephone. Message phone that the owner of the pre-set