伴奏是手风琴演奏者必备的一种演奏能力,是手风琴演 奏中一个值得充分重视和认真探讨的问题,伴奏水平的高低 和伴奏技巧是否应用恰当,直接影响到被伴奏者的情绪和一 首乐曲的表现力。下面就笔者在艺术实践中的一些收获,来 谈一谈为少儿歌曲编配手风琴伴奏的方法。 手风琴伴奏一般由两个部分组成:一是伴随着歌唱声部 的伴奏声部;二是前奏、间奏和尾奏的独奏声部。少儿歌曲 一般篇幅不长,音域较窄,旋律、节奏均较为简单,从歌曲 内容到音乐风格,都充分反映出少年儿童天真烂漫、活泼可 爱的特点,具有鲜明的音乐形象与年龄特征。手风琴在伴奏 时应注意多突出主旋律,以达到一种“教唱”的作用。因此 手风琴伴奏可以采用最简单、最常用的带主旋律的伴奏,即 右手奏出歌曲的曲调,左手配上相应的和弦和伴奏音型,其
Accompaniment is an essential performance ability for accordion players. It is a question worth paying full attention to and seriously studied in accordion playing. Whether the accompaniment level and accompaniment skill are applied properly will directly affect the mood of the accompanist and a piece of music Expressiveness. Below on some of the author’s artistic practice in the harvest, to talk about arrangements for children’s songs accordion accompaniment method. Accordion accompaniment generally consists of two parts: one accompaniment of the accompaniment of the vocal part; the other is the solo part of the prelude, the interlude and the end. Children’s songs are generally not long, narrow range, melody, rhythm are relatively simple, from the song to the music style, fully reflects the juvenile innocent, lively and lovely features, with a distinctive musical image and age characteristics. Accordion in accompaniment should pay attention to more prominent main theme, in order to achieve a “teach singing” role. Accordion accompaniment can be used by the simplest and most frequently used accompaniment with the theme, that is, the right hand playing the song tunes, the left hand accompanied by the corresponding chord and accompaniment pattern, the